Manifestare expozitionala internationala la Miami 31 mai – 2 iunie 2023

Revin la informarea anterior făcută pe aceeași temă, cu mențiunea că firma americană Amavi Vinum (, persoană de contact: Armand Măstăcăneanu) a întreprins o serie de demersuri – în nume propriu – pentru identificarea unui număr de cel puțin 3 firme românești potential interesate să participe la această manifestare expozițională internațională (în vederea obținerii celei mai bune oferte de preț pentru un stand propriu ar trebui asigurată participarea unui număr de cel puțin 8 companii), care va avea loc la Miami în perioada 31 mai – 2 iunie a.c., fiind discutate, cu organizatorii, o serie de aspecte inclusiv de natură financiar-logistică.

Având în vedere că trebuie dat un răspuns organizatorilor până pe data de 31 martie a.c. referitor la interesul de participare sau nu, faptul că firmele identificate (până în
prezent) sunt din zona industriei vinului, dar profilul manifestării este general (fiind încurajată promovarea comerțului general, al turismului, artei culinare, oportunităților de investiții), ar fi oportună participarea directă atât a unor companii românești, dar și a unor companii din țara noastră, deja prezente în piață (pentru a evita cheltuielile de transport international, de exemplu).

Pentru detalii suplimentare, vă rog să-l contactați în mod direct pe domnul Armand Măstăcăneanu la adresa de e-mail de mai sus.

We hereby request the pleasure of your attendance and participation to the Ministers, and Ambassadors Conference, Reception on 31st
May 2023 during the World of Travel Trade & Taste EXPO taking place at the Miami Beach Convention Centre.

This invitation also extends for to the Embassy in promoting Romania ‘s Responsible Tourism, Travel Industry, Cultural heritage, Culinary, Community tourism, Investment opportunities during the WTTT EXPO from 31st May until 2nd June 2023.

Therefore, kindly confirm if you or a delegation would be able to attend and represent the commercial interests of Romania, promoting countries sustainable development, growth, as well as working with enterprises, hotels, transport, trade, culinary and other business associations participate and help to support, strengthen the trade, investment, tourism industry within the in the US / North American market during the WTTT EXPO. Romania Country pavilion:

Companies, organizations including from Trade, Investment, Tourism Associations, Hospitality, Transportation, and other enterprises can attend and represent their services, products during 3 days for B2B gatherings, meetings to international trade audience within the dedicated exhibition space, or pavilion.

We do not charge additional fees for delegates to register and will provide tickets.

Romania Travel, Trade, Investment Road Show 2023 or May 2024

During WTTT EXPO ‘s we can also reserve an area during one of the 3 days and to facilitate collaboration, promoting, strengthen the international trade ties, economic corporation with US, North American, or other countries attending.

We can offer one of the breakout rooms within the Convention Center and to help, invite travel, trade buyers, industry decision makers to visit, connect and facilitate business

World of Travel Trade & Taste EXPO

Marketplace for global business exchange

World of Travel and World of Taste are protected by trademarks and copyright. All rights reserved. Managed by Focus Media SA, Rolle, CH-1180, Switzerland

You may also use the dedicated rooms / round tables to promote speak about the industry, business opportunities, economy, foreign trade issues, investment opportunities, projects, import and export, welcome reception, invite guests, members, as well as friends, and others to join your meetings and gatherings (rooms are subject to availability at the time of booking). We will provide entry tickets free for your guest attending.

Exhibition Space during WTTT EXPO Miami:

You can book exhibition space (subject to availability) to share with your trade enterprises, tourism partners, and associations, connecting with existing or new partners, including doing business with international trade, travel industry – from North American, Caribbean, LATAM or other countries attending.
Should you wish to register please let us know, or kindly register online using the weblink.

To book booth or space online:—miami-2023.html

Cooking, taste, cultural presentations:
Countries culinary, hospitality, and members can promote culinary, taste, beverages, and sampling.
Country pavilions may also bring their own chefs for cooking demonstrations to promote cultural heritage, culinary tourism, and natural trade products.
Ministries diner reception: 31st May 2023 Ministers summit / dinner where countries Ministries of Tourism, Ambassadors, Consul Generals are invited.
Countries presentations related to sustainable development, trade, investment: will be held at the Miami Beach Convention Centre from 31st May until 2ndJune.
FinTech Conference will be held during the 2nd June.

Please RSVP by 31st March 2023 with your intentions so that we can plan with other representatives from your country on the show floor.

Key Highlights: The 6th edition of the World of Travel Trade and Taste Expo, at the Miami Beach Convention Center plus additional break-out rooms for seminars and conferences. WTTT EXPO Floor pavilions divided and are dedicated to 100+ countries for networking from travel, trade industry grassroot level to governments to meet, greet, undertake face to face business, networking, and at the same time to discuss commitments, responsibilities in protecting sustainable trade, export, import development, travel industry, green living technologies. Ministries, UN agencies and NGO’s together during seminars, presentations to share what needs
doing both locally and globally, supporting global responsible tourism, natural resources, sustainable food products, community investment projects, cultural heritage, biodiversity, and much more.

World of Travel Trade & Taste EXPO

Marketplace for global business exchange

World of Travel and World of Taste are protected by trademarks and copyright. All rights reserved. Managed by Focus Media SA, Rolle, CH-1180, Switzerland

The travel industry
tour operators, travel associations to carry out b2b networking for both inbound and outbound. WTTT will allow 1000+ hosted and trade buyers to attend.
• Ministries from Tourism, Investment, Trade, Economy, as well the Associations from hotels, culinary, beverages, airlines, cruise industries and other will be able to represent their products, and services within relevant dedicated pavilions.     

• Ministers’ dinner reception with the focus on presentations related to responsible trade, investment, tourism, preserving / maintaining biodiversity, national heritage sites, national
parks, educational and community projects etc.                

• Regional consul general’s/embassies/delegations responsible for B2B exchange, promoting their countries trade, businesses, presentations related to investment opportunities, export, responsible tourism etc.                

• International investment boards, councils, will be able to represent their members, destinations, products, services and investment opportunities during seminars, conferences.               

• Chambers of commerce, county councils, economic development boards from regional, and overseas are able to represent the industries, tourism, trade, investment opportunities with
the main focus on natural agriculture, bio products /beverages, green living technologies and products.             

• Educational seminars, conference by countries and industry leaders related to the trade, travel industry, investment ant, and more.            

• During WTTT EXPO there will be a side events related to the finance, banking and in particular with focus and the development of the fintech and blockchain technology, its’ role,
regulations, securities within the global travel, trade industry.        

• 3 day side seminars, conferences from different countries, travel trade industry leaders related to responsible trade, investment, tourism, preserving and maintaining biodiversity,
cultural heritage, national heritage sites, national parks, and community projects etc.   

• Cultural preservation: preserve local cultures by promoting traditional customs and practices to visitors.            

• Economic development: generating income for local communities through the creation of jobs and businesses to help to reduce poverty and improve the standard of living for residents.     

• Sustainable tourism: promoting how to help to minimize the negative impacts of tourism on the environment and communities.
World of Travel Trade & Taste EXPO
Marketplace for global business exchange
World of Travel and World of Taste are protected by trademarks and copyright. All rights reserved. Managed by Focus Media SA, Rolle, CH-1180, Switzerland

• Presentations on responsible tourism development to contribute to environmental conservation efforts by promoting sustainable practices.          

• Tourism investment projects: conferences related to the tourism industry, development projects, to help and promote tourism industry.          

• Promoting cultural and culinary tourism: the EXPO will showcase taste new food and drinks from around the world, providing attendees the opportunity to experience and discover new destinations.                   
• New tourism packages: opportunity to meet with new partners, travel industry professionals, such as tour operators, hoteliers, and destination marketing organizations, and learn about the latest trends and developments in the travel industry, select new destinations, products, services, networking for exclusive deals and much more.

I look forward to having the opportunity working in partnership to build, create a good foundation to help, support the travel, trade industries, community projects based in Romania during this and future events.
